srilanka surf camp

Contact us

Before inquiring about availability, please check the availability calendar at this link, as it is up-to-date.

If you wish to learn about what’s included, packages and rates, refer to the bookings page.

Booking only the room for a discount without reserving the surf camp or participating in surf lessons while staying elsewhere is not permitted.

Check-ins are only available on Sundays, and extending your stay by 1-2 nights is not an option. Weekly extensions from Sunday to Sunday are the only possibility due to frequent full bookings.

Early check-out is acceptable, but the weekly rate applies without any discount.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions regarding surf camp bookings, yoga, online orders, general inquiries or activities you’d like to participate in. We will get back to you as soon as possible.



Layback 247, Main Street
Weligama 81700 Sri Lanka



+94 41 225 2792 +94 76 630 0126


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